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 [Tutorial] Making a sword in Blender (Easy)

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Join date : 2011-07-20

[Tutorial] Making a sword in Blender (Easy) Empty
PostSubject: [Tutorial] Making a sword in Blender (Easy)   [Tutorial] Making a sword in Blender (Easy) EmptyWed Jul 20, 2011 1:59 pm

Ok. This tutorial will teach you how to make a simple sword using Blender. There is lots of text because I tried to make it detailed. Its not as complicated as it looks if you READ it.

Lets get started.


Open Blender and hit numpad 3. This changes your view to side view. You can also do this by going to View > Side.

Now, we will open an image to base our model on.

To open a background image, go to View > Background Image.

You will get a window. Click Load and open the image you are using.

Next, we select the cube by right clicking it. You'll know it's selected when it is outlined. Rotate the camera by clicking on the scroll wheel of your mouse and moving the mouse around. Scale the cube on the X axis by clicking S > X. Make the cube thinner.

Now, go back to Side view by clicking 3 on the numpad. Move the cube to the top of the blade then click TAB to go to Edit mode.

Select all of the vertices (dots) by clicking A. Click Ctrl + R. A line will appear. Move your mouse around to position the line vertically then click on the left mouse button. Two vertices will appear. You can move the mouse around to move the two vertices. Just click 0 on your keyboard and left click.

Select 1 of the 4 vertices in the corner using Box select. To use box select, click B then click and drag. Move the vertices you selected by clicking G. Deselect by clicking A. Move the vertices around until you get something like this.

Select one of the corner vertices using Box select then click Alt +M. Choose Alt +M. Choose At Center.

Do this for all the corner vertices until you get something like this.

Now, box select the 3 vertices on the bottom part of the blade. Click E to extrude and choose Region. Drag your mouse down to move the new vertices. Click Z to enter Wireframe view. Select one of the new vertices and move them to match the background image.

Continue extruding the 3 new vertices and move them to match the background image until you get to this part.

Extrude the 3 vertices and move them past the end of the blade. Click Alt + M to merge the 3 vertices. Choose At Center. Move the vertice to the end of the blade.

Your blade should look something like this


To make the guard of the sword, we need another cube. Click Tab if you haven't to go to Object mode. Click Spacebar > Add > Mesh > Cube.

Find your new cube, select it with right click and move it to where the guard is.

Now move the camera around a bit and scale the cube on the X axis. S > X.

Click Numpad 3 if you rotated the camera. Box select one of the vertices in the corner and move them to match the image.

Now, click Ctrl + R and a line will appear. Move your mouse so the line is sideways. Left click anywhere, hit 0 on your keyboard and left click.

Select the vertices on the corners using box select. Move the camera around a bit and click S > X.

Deselect by clicking A. Go back to side view (Numpad 3) and box select the 3 vertices on either side of the cube. Click E > Region and move it around a bit. Deselect and box select a vertice and match it with the background.

Do the same for the other side.

Box select the vertices on the corners of the guard. Move the camera around a bit and click S > X.

Deselect and do the same for the two vertices in the middle. Scale it on the X axis but make it bigger than the vertices next to it.

This is what your sword should look like so far.


To make the handle, we need a circle. Click Tab to go to Object mode then click Spacebar > Add > Mesh > Circle. Change the number of vertices to 12.

Move the circle near the handle. Scale it by clicking S so it is the size of the handle.

Move the camera and go to Edit mode by clicking Tab. Click S > X and scale it so the vertices are inside the guard.

Go back to side view. Select all the vertices of the circle. Click Shift + F to fill in the circle. Click E > Region and move it up a bit.

Move the camera and have all the new vertices selected. Click S > X and scale the new vertices so it is wider.

Go back to side view. Click E > Region and place the new vertices to match the image. Click G to move the vertices around to match the size of the handle. Click S > Y to scale it on the Y axis. Try to match it with the image.

Continue doing this till you reach the shiny part of the handle.

Click E > Region. Click S and scale the new vertices to match the image.

Continue extruding, scaling, and moving the vertices so it matches the image.

This is what you should have after:


Note: Your sword is not ready for in-game use. You still have to add texture and resize it
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Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-10-08

[Tutorial] Making a sword in Blender (Easy) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Tutorial] Making a sword in Blender (Easy)   [Tutorial] Making a sword in Blender (Easy) EmptyThu Nov 08, 2012 3:06 am

Great! like call of duty black ops 2.

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 CD Key
Black Ops 2 CD Key
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[Tutorial] Making a sword in Blender (Easy)
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